Here are some notes in various stages of completion that I have written up.
- [link] complex analysis in several variables (taught by Rasul Shafikov)
- [link] combinatorial commutative algebra (taught by Oliver Pechenik)
- [link] complex analysis (taught by Valentino Tosatti)
Here are the slides for some talks I have given (in ascending age).
- [link, preseminar] Lattice Path Enumeration Through ACSV, at the Waterloo enumeration seminar in April 2024 (with preseminar notes)
- [link] Asymptotics For Lattice Paths Through Analytic Combinatorics, at the Winter 2023 CMS meeting
- [link] Analytic Combinatorics via Fourier-like Integrals, at the Waterloo enumeration seminar in June 2023
- [link] A Universality Theorem, at the Waterloo graduate seminar in May 2023
Here's everything else I might want to put on a website.
- [link] notes on the paper "A New Proof" by Donaldson
- [link] notes on the paper "A Proof that Euler Missed" by Van der Poorten
- [link] a very old thing on generating functions